Youm e Wisal Hazrat Fatima Zahra R.A | Shan e Syeda Fatima ra | 3 Ramzan | Podcast
#sultanulashiqeen #حضرت_فاطمہ_رضی_اللہ_عنہا #فضائل_فاطمہ_الزہرا #سیرت_فاطمہ_زہرا #جنتی_خواتین_کی_سردار #رسول_اللہ_کی_بیٹی #اسلامی_تاریخ #IslamicHistory #HazratFatimaRA #VirtuesOfFatima #DaughterOfProphetMuhammad #WomenOfParadise #IslamicInspiration
In this video, we explore the greatness and virtues of Hazrat Fatima al-Zahra (رضی اللہ عنہا), the beloved daughter of Prophet Mohammad ﷺ and the leader of the women of Paradise. Her life was a beacon of piety, patience, and devotion. Discover:
- Events of her birth and upbringing
- Her profound love for the Prophet ﷺ
- Her elevated status and virtues in light of Islamic teachings
Qadi Iyadh (رحمة الله عليه) writes:
"There is no disagreement that the place connected to the sacred body of Mohammad Mustafa ﷺ is absolutely superior to all places on Earth, even the Kaaba."
Imam Alauddin Hasakafi states:
"The site connected to the body of the Chosen Prophet ﷺ is absolutely superior, even to the Kaaba, the Throne (Arsh), and the Chair (Kursi)." (Durr al-Mukhtar)
Studio: Sultan-ul-Faqr Digital Productions (Regd.)
Organised by: Tehreek Dawat e Faqr (Regd.) Pakistan
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